
The Cambourne to Cambridge Order

Transport And Works Act 1992
Transport And Works (Applications And ObjectionsProcedure) (England And Wales) Rules 2006

The Cambourne to Cambridge scheme has been developed by the Greater Cambridge Partnership on behalf of Cambridgeshire County Council who are the legal applicant.

The scheme would comprise the following:

  • a two-way guided busway 13.6 kilometres in length commencing at Sterling Way, Cambourne and terminating at Grange Road, Cambridge segregated from local highways  except for stretches of on-road running along St Neots Road, Hardwick and Charles Babbage Road within the Cambridge University West Cambridge Campus; 
  • intermediate bus stops along the route and an emergency and maintenance access track running alongside the two-way guided busway for most of the length of the guided busway which would be accessible to pedestrians and cyclists. Most of the length of the track will also function as a bridleway or permissive bridleway; 
  • a new travel hub building and Park and Ride site at Scotland Farm, Dry Drayton with access for the buses over the existing bridge carrying Scotland Road over the A428.